Vladimir TopolevinNumatic VenturesAdvanced TypeScript: Type inferring from validation schemaMastering advanced TypeScript features by learning to infer types from validation schemas inspired by Zod syntax.Oct 151Oct 151
Vladimir TopolevinNumatic VenturesMastering Refs in React: retrospective analysis through ReactJS releases up to v. 19Explore everything about Refs in React and highlight use cases. Understand common usage pitfalls and learn how to avoid frequent mistakesJun 27Jun 27
Vladimir TopolevinNumatic VenturesAnimation of Ranking Tables with React OR again about useLayoutEffectRanking tables are commonly used in different competitive events. If you enjoy Eurovision Contests, you should know how announcing voting…Jun 25Jun 25
Vladimir TopolevinNumatic VenturesAgain, about useMemo, useCallback, and memo?In this article, I would like to provide some examples that come from real code reviews and discuss what is wrong with them.May 171May 171
Vladimir TopolevinNumatic VenturesShould we learn the basic programming concepts if AI writes the code instead of us?What is the main question nowadays: Developers vs. AI? Or the right question: Developers with AI?Apr 1Apr 1
Vladimir TopolevinNumatic VenturesHow To Transform ReactJS Animation into Video: the Lightweight Version of RemotionWe will create a lightweight version of Remotion, which allows the creation of MP4 videos from animations made with ReactJS.Feb 22Feb 22
Vladimir TopolevinNumatic VenturesHow to Apply Instagram-Like Filters to Video with ReactA tutorial that explains how to use ReactJS to apply filters to videos similar to those found on Instagram.Jan 17Jan 17
Vladimir TopolevinNumatic VenturesGroking React Server Component Payload via Small Experiments and PicturesIn the article, we conduct some experiments and dive into some details of RSC Payload. All these experiments will be depicted in simple…Dec 6, 20231Dec 6, 20231
Vladimir TopolevinNumatic VenturesNodeJS, FFmpeg: Generic server to transform videoNov 13, 20231Nov 13, 20231
Vladimir TopolevinNumatic VenturesEssentials about Suspense and Error BoundariesWe go through the main concepts of Suspense and ErrorBoundaries and highlight what they have in common and what the difference is. Also, we…Oct 27, 2023Oct 27, 2023